The Navel and its Connection to your Health & Beauty

The Navel and its Connection to your Health & Beauty

The source of all nutrition for a baby in the womb is its umbilical cord, the bridge between the mother and child. The umbilical cord attaches to the placenta, the source of nutrition, at one end

Carrying an entire ecosystem within itself, the navel is quite full of all kinds of gunk that includes bacteria, dead skin cells, and random flakes from our clothes and towels that settle into it. Yuck, right? I know but keep reading.

The navel is the spot where the umbilical cord used to be. In other words, there are existing prenatal connections and internal pathways that influence our physical health by the nutrition arriving through the navel. Interesting, huh? You are intrigued, I’m sure, so read on.

HERE ARE SOME EXCEPTIONAL HACKS TO KEEP YOUR BODY HEALTHY AND BEAUTIFUL THROUGH THE BELLY BUTTON. A few drops of these substances in your navel will have these respective health benefits:

Olive oil. A few drops are sufficient for healthy breasts, strong eyes, and sturdy bones and muscles. Any breast related problems like sagging breasts, cracked nipples, and unevenness can be dealt with by inserting some olive oil in the belly button once every day.

Coconut oil. Just like applying coconut oil on your skin and hair nourishes it superficially, a few drops of the same in your navel will have the same effects internally. You can expect softer and suppler skin, healthier and shiner hair, and well-nourished hands and feet within a few weeks of regularly practicing this hack. You can also replace coconut oil with almond oil and enjoy pretty much the same effects.

Castor oil. If you’ve been dealing with joint pains lately, this one’s for you. A couple of drops of castor oil in the navel can address knee pains and joint aches along with soothing digestive problems and stomach cramps, if any.

Neem Oil. Neem, full of medicinal properties, is the answer to most health issues especially skin-related disorders like acne and uneven pigmentation. If you deal with sensitive skin and its related disorders, give this hack a try and you’ll soon see an improvement in your skin quality.

While it is true that these oils are full of incredible advantages, you cannot possible try using all these oils at the same time every day, regardless of their umpteen health benefits. Instead, pick one or two oils from this lot depending on the health issue you wish to target, and consistently place a few drops of it in your navel at a designated time each day.

Remember that this is not a hard and fast solution since the passageway of the navel takes some time to work up its magic. The navel treatment is miraculous and pretty reliable.

Although it can be weeks or even a couple of months before the first signs of improvement show up in your body, this long-term treatment is tried and proven. You can rest assured that the health and beauty benefits will be immensely worth the wait and effort.


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