What’s Not So Good About Dairy

VEGAN VS VEGETARIAN – What’s Not So Good About Dairy?

Most of us have heard that a diet without meat is much healthier. Well, it’s very true. Several studies over the years have proven this much. Over time, some of us have learned to appreciate the beauty of the two dietary lifestyles that strictly uphold a no-meat policy – vegetarianism and veganism. There are abundant health benefits that come with abstaining from meat, including a lowered risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

What sets veganism apart from vegetarianism is the fact that a lot of vegetarians include eggs and/or dairy products in their diet as sources of protein, while vegans, on the other hand, abstain entirely from animal products of any kind. The only source of protein for a vegan is plant protein from legumes such as soybeans, peas, and beans, as well as grains such as quinoa, corn, barley, and wheat. Those living a vegan life substitute dairy with plant milk such as soy milk, cashew milk, coconut milk, and almond milk.

There has been quite some of debate as to whether or not vegans’ abstinence from dairy is a nutritionally smart choice. Many argue that dairy is a source of calcium, which we have been told, we need lots of. Here are a couple of shocking truths that have been revealed by intensive research:

  • Our bodies don’t need as much calcium as we’ve been told we do! Research has proven that excessive calcium from dairy intake may even raise the risk of cancer (notably, prostate cancer) by a considerable percentage.
  • Calcium isn’t as bone-protective as we’ve been made to believe! Studies have shown that calcium supplementation profits little in terms of preventing fractures. Vitamin D is actually given less credit than it deserves in this regard! Studies have also shown that dairy consumption may even increase the risk of bone fracture by up to 50 percent.
  • The less the dairy or calcium intake, the healthier the bones! This is a shocking revelation, but it is backed up with proof that countries that consume the least dairy and calcium (in Africa and Asia) have the lowest rates of osteoporosis.
  • Calcium supplements may actually reduce the risk of colon cancer, but dairy products do not!
  • Not everyone even has the stomach for dairy! Up to 75 percent of the world’s population is lactose intolerant! Yes, you read that right! The vast majority of us are actually genetically incapable of digesting milk and other dairy products.
  • Milk does not profit sports performance!
  • Dairy is full of saturated fat, which is directly linked to heart disease.

Benefits of vegan over vegetarian

Although a vegan diet and vegetarian diet has numerous benefits, the benefits of being a vegan outweighs that of a vegetarian. Some of the benefits of vegan diet over vegetarian diet includes;

Decreased cholesterol: Since vegans isolate themselves completely from animal based products, dairy included, they significantly decrease their chances of developing high cholesterol (found in animal products). Vegetarians, on the other hand, do not abstain from diary and eggs, these foods contain bad cholesterol (LDL). Thus, vegans have a much lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease compared to vegetarians.

Reduced saturated fats and trans fats: Trans fats and saturated fats are strongly linked to heart disease, and are naturally found in animal products like diary. These fats have also been shown to increase the risk of developing gallstones, some cancers, kidney disease and also diabetes (type 2). Both saturated and trans fat can also increase the level of bad cholesterol. Although saturated fats are present in some plants products, different studies have shown that plant source of saturated fats metabolizes differently in the body than saturated fats from animals. Therefore, vegans have significantly lowered their intake of saturated and trans fats.

Maintain healthy weight: It’s much easier for vegans to maintain a healthy body weight than vegetarians.  Dairy products have more calories that can be converted easily into body fats compared to calories from plants. Note, vegans are the only group of people on the planet who average a normal and healthy Body m=Mass Index (BMI).

Why you should avoid dairy products

  • It causes digestive problem for people with lactose intolerance.
  • It aggravates irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Rich in saturated fat and directly linked to cardiovascular disease.
  • Studies have linked dairy consumption to prostate cancer. It is also linked with increased risk of ovarian cancer, breast cancer and lung cancer in lactose intolerance individuals.

Veganism is a highly disciplined lifestyle, but it is well worth it when we consider the grave risks of dairy consumption. In a general sense, vegans have been found to be healthier than both vegetarians and omnivores due to the absence of dairy products in their diet. Vegan diets contain less saturated fat and cholesterol and more dietary fiber. This reduces the body’s cholesterol level and, as a result, reduces the risk of having a heart attack.

Generally, both vegan and vegetarian diets are healthier than diets that involves meat consumption. But now you know the difference between vegan and vegetarian diets, why you should abstain from dairy products as well as the benefits of a vegan diet over a vegetarian diet, you can now decide which of the two plant-based diets will be more suitable for you based on personal preference and the health benefits you hope to achieve.

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